A Shinto priest explores the grounds with a pair who needs to be blessed with children and tells the history about Suitengu Shrine. The Shinto priest also introduces ’Rubbed Guardian Dog'- your pain has gone when you rub the same body parts of dog you have ache- and Sui Shrine,where the God of easy delivery is enshrined.Afterwards, the pair gets the special prayer services and  how to have 'Itumoji',rice crackers with some meaning of amule, finally. 

・A Shinto priest attend you when you pass the Torii,the gateway at the entrance to the Shinto shrine. The priest politely tell you about   how to have 'Itsumoji',rice crackers with some meaning of amulet-nobody knows about it surprisingly.  

・Suitengu Shrine- well-known for praying safe delivery. It has a reputation for 'pregnancy' actually.

・The reservations for prayer services are avaiable(usually not available)-it is the first trial for Suitengu Shrine. 

(Duration) 60 minutes 

(Charge) 10,000 JPY for one pair

*Please refer to the reservation site for the details 


Suintegu Shrine, the main shrine across Japan